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Employment Projects and Partnerships

RNIB has several projects and partnerships to help people with sight loss to look for or stay in work.

Employment Partnerships Team (Pre-employment)

The team supports people with sight loss who are actively seeking work and job ready, offering specialist advice and guidance on the journey into work.

Support can also include help with an Access to Work application and advice for your new employer in managing the Access to Work Process.

We can refer you to other RNIB services including confidence building courses and support with assistive technology, and can signpost you to one of our Partnerships partners for support in your local area.

Get Set Progress internships

RNIB is working with Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT) to create new opportunities for jobseekers with sight loss to find employment through TPT’s internship scheme.

Links to all roles for these paid internships are on the Get Set Progress internships page on TPT’s website.

Or contact Josh Feehan at [email protected] for more information.

See Work Differently work placements

RNIB’s See Work Differently work placement scheme is an employment initiative for people with sight loss who are not in work. The aim is to help people secure that first rung on the career ladder or to return to work following a career break.

These are paid placements for a fixed term of twelve weeks and are generally for fourteen hours per week.

To find current opportunities, please visit the careers section of the RNIB website or contact the RNIB helpline for more information.

Employment services in Northern Ireland

If you live in Northern Ireland and feel your employability skills need a boost or you just want to broaden what you already know, we have opportunities to help make that difference.

SkillSET RNIB (2023) is a pre-employment initiative if you are looking for work for the first time or if you’re unable to stay in your current job due to sight loss.

Workable NI is a job retention programme to support you if you're having difficulties at work as a direct result of your sight loss. We can support you and your employer with the aim of helping you remain in your job.

Vision Fund

We provide people with sight loss in the London area with support and information to help them stay in work. We also upskill external employment organisations in the area so they have understand the additional barriers to work for people with sight loss and have confidence to work with our customers.